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So I currently have Stripe set up and all transactions are being made properly in test mode.  So now I need to further configure how transactions are being made.  My users set up their own individual marketplaces on their profile and what I need to do is have processing of all transactions to go through a central point which seems to be done through the stripe connect button in the cart.  So what I need help configuring is how to make the only option for payment processing creating/connecting a stripe account to my platform stripe account so I can take commission etc.  As of right now upon payment all dollars are processed through my Platform Stripe account and I have no way to know whom the product was sold by etc.  Currently when a user tries to sell a product they are prompted to pick a payment processor and there are several to choose from.  I have been pointed to the article on how to set up a commission based marketplace, and although that has helped me with the "what" of it all, I am pretty stuck in the weeds on how to actually configure it all.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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So I have worked out all the functionality of my website and the final cog to the wheel is embedding a marketplace where payments can be processed.  I have downloaded the Marketplace app and embedded it into the individual profile pages.  I have also downloaded the Stripe App.  I am having a tad bit of trouble configuring processing payments through the Stripe application.  The reason for this is I intend to take a percentage of every transaction.  Would this be resolved by putting in a percentage in the "One Time Fee" field of the Stripe settings?  Also if I only have Stripe as a payment processing option when a user "Adds Product" to  their embedded marketplace, will all of the settings I put into place via the Stripe application apply to that?

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So on my administrator page, I have a clickable notifications menu.  Works 100% no error.  When I log in with a test profile with different parameters, I do not have a clickable notifications menu which is a problem due to the fact that is where my log out, profile, check out, etc buttons are located.  In my Pages section of the studio all levels of profiles should be able to see the clickable notifications menu.  Anyone have any idea where i may have turned off the ability to see this menu in the Configuration Studio?  I have been combing through everything for right around two days now and it is driving me absolutely nuts.  Thanks!

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So in the format of my site I would like to have two completely unique types of profiles that can directly interact with each other.  One profile that can have an embedded store in it to sell services/products while the other type of profile is purely just a consumer.  Any ideas on how to make this a possibility?  Thanks!

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MyFit Discussions
Stripe Connect
Stripe/Payment Configuration
Notifications Menu
Creating two unique profile types