Jot Messenger Video

We have added a few improvements for video files uploading feature in Jot Messenger. Now if you record the video and your browser that supports MediaRecorder with mp4 container with h256 codec, file will be encoded using this codec to send video to the server. Since mp4 format is supported by most modern browsers the video will play immediately without delays for processing.

In case if your browser's MediaRecorder doesn't support mp4, video will be converted to webm with v8/v9 codecs and all members in your talk with browsers supporting this format should also see the video immediately and other viewers who need mp4 will get the video after ffmpeg processing - it will be loaded automatically to the talk history and used as fallback format. 

The same rules work for videos are uploaded through the simple Files Uploader.

Please test and let us know if you find any problems. 😀 

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