Videos are not processed

Have someone else the error that videos are not processed?
After fresh installation sometimes 1 or 2 videos are processed, afterwards no video is edited. As I have seen, videos are moved to 'temp' folder and then processed. But already at the 2. video 'xy.webm' video is not moved to the folder 'bx_timeline_videos_processed'. And after this error, no uploaded video is moved to the 'temp' folder. That means for me that no more video is processed. 

Photos are processed after several uploads.

Has someone an idea what is the reason?

(Sorry because of my bad english, google translate :)     )

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Replies (1)
    • The main reason that videos aren't processing is cron issue, if crontab isn't installed properly then videos will not process. Please check if your crontab is working properly.

      Also you can check `sys_transcoder_queue` table, inspect `log` field for the failed videos.

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