Albums module

Since the last update I've had a issue with my Albums module. If you watch the video I made you can see where I have tried to "enable" the module in the studio. 

The module still is working site side of the website. Which means I cannot switch it off like before. 

I know what most will say is to remove and reinstall the module. I don't want to do that.

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Replies (13)
    • Hello Michael!

      Sorry, but your example is unavailable now :-(

      • I hope this link works correct. 

        • Could you please provide access to your studio to investigate this issue ?

          • Sent via conversation.

            • Alex T⚜️ here is the database error from my albums problem.

              Database error in Man of Teal | An OpenRCT2 Community

              INSERT INTO `bx_timeline_handlers` SET `group`=?, `type`=?, `alert_unit`=?, `alert_action`=?, `content`=?, `privacy`=?

              Mysql error:
              Duplicate entry 'bx_albums-added' for key 'alert'

              The error was found in query function in the file /home/manofteal/public_html/modules/base/notifications/classes/BxBaseModNotificationsDb.php at line 76.


              Called script:

              Request parameters:

              array (  'mod_action' => 'activate',  'mod_value' => 'bx_albums',  '_t' => '1546883605244', )

              • You can try to fix the problem by executing the following queries:

                TRUNCATE `bx_timeline_handlers`;
                INSERT INTO `bx_timeline_handlers`(`group`, `type`, `alert_unit`, `alert_action`, `content`) VALUES
                ('common_post', 'insert', 'timeline_common_post', '', ''),
                ('common_repost', 'insert', 'timeline_common_repost', '', ''),
                ('profile', 'delete', 'profile', 'delete', '');

                then disable/enable Timeline module, however some menus/page blocks/permissions/etc related to the Timeline will be reset to the default state.

                • This error is still present as well.

                  The suggested above did not work.

                  • Above fix should definitely help.

                    Maybe now the error is different ? 

                    • Database error in Man of Teal | An OpenRCT2 Community

                      INSERT INTO `bx_timeline_handlers` SET `group`=?, `type`=?, `alert_unit`=?, `alert_action`=?, `content`=?, `privacy`=?

                      Mysql error:
                      Duplicate entry 'bx_albums-added' for key 'alert'

                      The error was found in query function in the file /home/manofteal/public_html/modules/base/notifications/classes/BxBaseModNotificationsDb.php at line 76.


                      Called script:

                      Request parameters:

                      array (  'mod_action' => 'activate',  'mod_value' => 'bx_albums',  '_t' => '1552189197473', )

                      • Could you please provide access to your site via PM to check the problem ? also do you agree if we enable/disable your Timeline module ?

                        • I will give access. 

                          The timeline, if it is turned off won't I loose all the data?

                          • Yes, app's enable / disable was made to keep the whole content of the module.

                            • While waiting on Alex to check, I've decided to disable the timeline and try to enable the albums module, but still, end up with the same error. 

                              So, turning off the timeline and checking does not fix this problem.

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