Thank you UNA team!

You guys are doing a wonderful job with UNA!

Thank you! 😃 

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Replies (8)
    • It's true. They are experts with a lot of ambition, the result is really great.

      • No doubt about the commitment of the team. They deserve a kudos once in a while. We bitch a lot out here and it can be difficult to address everybodys special needs.
        So, yes, [Thank you] to the team for your patience, endurance and effort.

        • Thank you! We are a little quiet lately because we got a handful of large custom projects going. All of them are contributing to the core development though and we are heading towards a solid version update. 

          • How much does your services cost? I need to plan the next budget and I want to use more on the UNA project. By that time the shooting range project should be finished as well.

            • Our service plans are here - - we just go by hours and do full implementation, customisation, deployment and maintainance drill. 

              • Phew! Looks like I need to talk with the bigger guys about this. Need a new intranet for the gov and the social network as bridge between gov and the people.
                The intranet is going to be on their own servers for sure. All the sensitive data will go there too. IBM gave an offer and I gave them the finger. Greedy fuckers(excuse my language).
                I think external servers will be out of the question all together. These guys are really paranoid. It took me a year to convince them that the CIA was not spying on them. Simply because the US has absolutely Zero interest in Cambodia. The prices are not unreasonable for this size project though.
                I think we will need a tailor-made plan for this. Is that possible?

                • Yes, in effect all our plans are usually adjusted to suit each project - what you see is a general guide. Just emails us directly to to discuss details. 

                  • I will do that once I have all their wishes for the site. Right now they are building a huge case against France for Crimes against Cambodia. They aim to accuse France for starting the 2nd Indochina war and be the ones behind the genocide in Cambodia. Apparently some new documentation has surfaced.
                    Politics suck. It holds back constructive progress.

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