Title of Menu

What is the name of this menu when you click on your profile image as the operator of the site and the following display?


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Replies (6)
    • Comment by unknown is hidden.
      • Navigation
        Choose [system]
        Look for
        [ Member Toolbar ]
        The other side of that header is called
        [ Site toolbar ]
        I am still fighting with these. I managed to place the language flags in the [ site toolbar ] area. Its not pretty but its there.
        The Html file for that part of UNA is located here
        This is also where the logo part is placed. But... woah! Messy...
        That is as much as I can help. I am trying to make a map of where everything is. But... takes time... and the file locations are a mess. At least at first sight...

        • If you choose to fiddle with the html, you have to use [float left/right] in the DIV. Otherwise they go on top of each other.

          • If you go {toolbar member] and you open [account popup] you get a blank page. If you use developer to open [account] you will see the code


            i think this refer to a javascript, but i have no idea where the file is located.
            I wanted to re-size the profile circle thing.

            • The answer to the original topic is System->Notifications (12 items by default).

              • Thanks Sandeep. Don't know why I didn't think about notifications.

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