Account removal and cleaning messenger

Hello Alexey , in this case, it seems that the account has been deleted, I guess with the content, and there remains the discussion in messenger. I have had this case several times on my site. Should not it be cleaned?


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Replies (10)
    • Hello Baloo

      By default, if admin removes account with content, all talks/messages which belong to the profile are also removed, otherwise if admin removes only account without content, all talks/messages remain on the site and removed profile has undefined profile name. 

      As far as I understand from the image above, you have removed profile, but it still exists in messenger area and it is not right. May be profile was removed, but messenger's page was not reloaded since this time and when you click on profile it opens the page with error.

      • Hello Leonid, I understand your explanation, but there is something wrong, I always have this spam in my cat since yesterday. But in this case, it happens here on not on my site. That's why I think the cleaning is not correct. I do not know how your colleague deleted this account, but in all cases it does not exist anymore, so I do not have to see his avatar. Do you agree with me ?
        However, I have already had this case also on my site. So...?

        • Hello Baloo,

          Seems like problem occurs when account was not deleted but has suspended status. 

          We will add corrections for this 

          • Hello Alexey, 

            Okay for this case. But here is another one. This morning, a spammer posted on my site. I open messenger and I write "test test test". Then from his profile, I click on the ip address, I find myself in "Management accounts", I check and I delete + content.
            The account is deleted, but the conversation "test test test" is still there, the recipient is empty.


            If I followed your explanation, conversation should be deleted ...

            • Did you create the talk with spammer or it was created by spammer?

              • It's me who created it, do you mean that then the content belongs to me?

                • Yes, your content(talk) will not be deleted, because you still exist on the site, even if the talk contains only two members and one of them is removed spammer, but the spammer should be deleted from the talk.

                  • Ok, thanks Alexey, it makes sense :-)

                    • Was this resolved?  We still have a problem with spammers who have been suspended but can still use JOT.  Is the current messenger working better? 

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