Configuring Chargebee

Does anyone have experience setting up and using Chargebee for paid subscriptions?  
The UNA Wiki doesn't mention Chargebee and although I've managed to activate it, I'm netting a blank box whenever I try to subscribe/test the service. 

It would be super-helpful if someone could provide some setup instructions or tips/advice...

Many Thanks

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Replies (2)
    • I've made some progress with this.
      I had to create two subscription levels in Chargebee which correspond to the membership levels created in UNA.
      Now Chargebee seems to work, the subscription is created and activated (in Chargebee) but then UNA throws an error and doesn't upgrade the member's level. 

      • Hello

        Chargebee and Stripe have similar integration/configuration flow. It means that you need to register a plan for each membership and market product in payment provider. In case of Paid Levels you need to take an auto-generated memberthip name (in UNA) and use it to create plan in Chargebee.
        Also don't forget about credentials. Both Stripe and Chargebee have 2 sets of credentials: for live site and test site. In this case if you want to test payments first then you need to create necessary plans in Test mode too.

        For more info take a look at Paid Levels configuration settings here.

        Best Regards

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