Problems with the App Market

Hi, I'm getting the following errors, when I want to purchase the Spanish translation App, I get Payment error: CANNOT PERFORM THE ACTION. PLEASE REPORT.

And when I click on the Apps Market > Storefront I get this message: THE REDIRECT URI PROVIDED IS MISSING OR DOES NOT MATCH.

Do any of you guys know why might this be? I've tried with two different credit cards that work elsewhere.



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Replies (2)
    • Hello

      1. The problem with 'Spanish translation' App.
      It looks like the product wasn't correctly posted in UNA Market. You need to contact with its vendor and ask him to check.

      2. The problem with Apps Market > Storefront.
      You need to check Key & Secret pair in your Studio -> Settings -> General -> 'UNA account key' and 'UNA account secret' settings. The pair should be registered with correct site URL here in My Sites

      Best Regards

      • Thanks Anton! 

        I've solved 2!

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