how to remove mobile search box in drop down menu

How can I remove the mobile search box in the drop down menu?

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Replies (6)
    • Well you can choose to make it visible only on one device or the other, if I understand your question ...


      • I don't know if that is it. I disabled the search in Toolbar Member, Toolbar Site, and Site navigation menus, but I still see the search box in the mobile drop down menu. I really need to hide it.

        • Please specify - if you're hiding this menu item for desktop devices - does this change affect on site? Also plz provide us the screenshot with mobile and desktop versions.

          • It is for the search box in the mobile drop down menu on Lucid. The problem with the search is that if the user doesn't type a search query and just presses "enter" then everything from the site shows up.

            I used this to hide it:

            /*hide mobile search on Lucid*/

                    .bx-lcd-mdd-search {display: none !important;}

            • If you mean the Search item from the Navigation->System->Site menu then it reacts fine on visibility limits from the item settings in all default templates. I may suggest that you added the changes to your template which breaks this part of work. So you need to check it on another unchanged template.

              • Is there anyway to prevent the search from displaying all site results when no keyword has been entered? I don't want everyone to be able to see the entire site like that. They should need to search for what they are looking for.

                EDIT: I just made a separate thread for this because it is kind of important.

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