How to show custom Form Data List in Custom Page?

I have created a custom Data List called "Skills". I want a Member to fill this out and then have it show on a custom page. Is there a way to create a custom Block that shows the data from the data list?

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Replies (2)
    • Yes. It's possible. I'm assuming that this list is something you want to be presented at the user signup form and they select all their skills from a list. 


      select the persons module. 


      select displays 


      select the displays of the app persons system name 


      click add new field 


      Select your choice of the type of input field you want to add, i've underlined the commonly used ones. 


      for e.g I have selected the select multiples values  


      click on values and select your skills list that you have created. add in some meta data required. Smash ADD and you're done. 


      • Thanks Gritly. My question is slight different. I have already created the field and was able to add it to the "Full Member" display. 



        That "Full View Member" seems to be linked to the "Info" block. Which I have on the "View Profile" page.


        So now I want to create a new sub-menu item called "Skills" on the Person's profile -- beside the other menu items -- and have a custom block that only shows the Skills, not any of the other info that is in the "Info" block. 


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