Create Post (Context) displayed to non member

I added the block Create Post (Context)  to space and i was able to post to the space even though i am not in this space

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Replies (4)
    • Hello 

      I cannot reproduce the issue.
      1. I added Create Post (Context) block on View Space page using Studio -> Pages builder.
      2. I (logged in user) can create posts (posts, updates, etc) in this space, which acts as context in this case.
      3. Visitor cannot see the Create Post (Context) block at all.

      Best Regards

      • you have to be a member of this space in order to see create context block and post there. now a register yet non group member can see the space and post. the post though is not seen there it's going to somewhere else but when you join the space then it seen there

        • 2. logged user may see the space but only when you join to the space you can post to space

          • Space as the other contexts has 'Who can post' privacy setting. By default it's set to 'Public' which means that posting is available to everybody. If you select 'Participants' then Space will work as you described.

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