Is Timeline Limited??

Hi everyone in the house.

When 2 people on UNA are connected and following each other, are they not supposed to automatically see each other's updates or post on their timeline to enhance engagement?

I observed nothing is shared naturally with others connected to me or others except Notifications.

Am I missing something or this is the design?

I believe we should be able to receive friends updates once we are connected.

Please what's the position of UNA on this.

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Replies (39)
    • Do you mean if user A makes a post on their own profile page and then user B should receive an email notification that user A posted something on his/her profile page? 

      Both user A & B are friends

      • Think about receiving an update from 100 friends posting daily. Mind-numbing. What you have now is the ability to see what they post on your timeline as you browse the feed. 

        • You can set the notifications anyway you want, but I don’t think I would want all my friends posts on my profile page.

          • Now if you have your profile page set to allow friends to post, they can post to your profile page.

            • Do you mean if user A makes a post on their own profile page and then user B should receive an email notification that user A posted something on his/her profile page? 

              Both user A & B are friends

              No, that happens already, but the post A should be shared on B Timeline as it does on Facebook because they are friends.

              What we are having now is only Notifications alone. I can't see the post of my friends unless I follow Notifications.

              • I believe if user A makes a post on their own profile and on visible to, a menu pops up and they get to choose who can see post, for example if user A chooses "public" then the post appears on home page and their profile and so forth, which then user B can see post on home feed. I feel like i am solving a puzzle over here and on a Monday afternoon and snow coming down, not a good

                • The world is used to a standard set already, we are coming behind with less and thinking of beating the record?

                  I believe most people here has been on FB, if a friend post on his timeline, it's shared to my timeline.

                  So I have the privilege to see my friends post even without following notification links.

                  Is anybody getting my message?

                  • I believe if user A makes a post on their own profile and on visible to, a menu pops up and they get to choose who can see post, for example if user A chooses "public" then the post appears on home page and their profile and so forth, which then user B can see post on home feed. I feel like i am solving a puzzle over here and on a Monday afternoon and snow coming down, not a good

                    I am B, When MY friend A posts and it shows on homepage, that's public domain. That is seen by ALL members, even those who are not A's friends.

                    Me - B, as a friend to A should see A's posts on my timeline. Not until I visit A's page or homepage.

                    • Ahhh i see, i think that might need a code change, just saying, perhaps Alexey or LeonidS can guide you in the right direction

                      • Ahhh i see, i think that might need a code change, just saying, perhaps Alexey or LeonidS can guide you in the right direction

                        Wow, I almost sounding strange to myself

                        • LOL, i'm telling you that sometimes certain topics can be a mind twister.

                          • A lot goes on through Notifications that we don't care to check, but you definitely run through your page and when you see friends posts.

                            This is the magic key to build engagement on a social community. Works like charm on Facebook. 

                            Come to think of it what's the essence of connections or friends tie if you don't want to see their posts.

                            I logged in to see 192 Notifications on my DP, it's mind blowing to begin scrolling through all this.

                            Having my friend's posts shared on my timeline makes a whole lot of sense.

                            • Have you imagined how FB homepage will look like if they run one like UNA? It will be hellish. 

                              • I have checked on and observed this capability is lacking. It's not just my settings.

                                Please Alex T⚜️ Mark Purser Andrew Boon and LeonidS You need to have a look this urgently, my initiative requires building engagement to enhance youth interactions for intertribal integration. 

                                Posts by connected friends should be shared automatically as it is on Facebook.

                                Social Media is all about engagement, and that's the magic feature. I don't need to visit all friends pages before i see their post. It's hard as it is for anything to go viral on UNA. 

                                • DeDiary did you check the settings at studio > timeline these may be related to your question

                                  • DeDiary did you check the settings at studio > timeline these may be related to your question

                                    Yes, looked in every available direction but can't see anything like it.

                                    I am just seeing why Facebook doesn't run a global homepage, how many public posts will fly in every second?

                                    • Try to get me right please. I am not trying to run UNA down, we are in it together.

                                      I need to point out that what we have now is perfect for single community. The global homepage makes sense for that. Like 1 school, 1 club, 1 company etc

                                      For proper open social Community with a bigger scope, UNA should envision every member's Profile on UNA to be a potential community in itself. 500,000 members, 10000 schools etc. So I signed up because of myself and my network of friends. 

                                      I won't be interested in a Homepage that runs 1000+ new Posts every second. Individual Profile homepage should take priority. 

                                      That's what Facebook has. That's why there is no Facebook Homepage

                                      • İf you disable this setting then every post will not be published to common timeline.

                                        Also there are two types of timeline blocks one is public one the other is not, they will also change the timeline behaviour.

                                        • İf you disable this setting then every post will not be published to common timeline.

                                          Also there are two types of timeline blocks one is public one the other is not, they will also change the timeline behaviour.

                                          Ok, me try that now

                                          • Cem it simply stops my posts from appearing on the homepage.

                                            It doesn't share my post with my connected friends. 

                                            • There are a few different Feeds that Timeline module is providing. In fact it is about to have a few more so I will be posting a guide on them.

                                              Public Timeline is the one showing all public posts from all members regardless of whether your follow them or not, or even if you’re not logged in (unless otherwise specified in page builder for this block). This feed is rarely used, since it may be very noisy. it’s good for small sites and for admin to monitor content.

                                              Subscriptions Timeline is the Facebook-like feed of posts from profiles your follow. It will also show Promoted posts and posts from groups, channels, event, spaces that you follow. It’s best to have on the homepage, active for authenticated users only.

                                              There is also Hot Feed - which shows posts with positive reactions within certain timeframe. Good for homepage for public view or a dedicated browsing page.

                                               In the next update we will be introducing more feeds and an updated formula for popular posts. Stay tuned for that.

                                              DeDiary - I believe you just need to activate Subscriptions Feed for logged in users and disable Public feed on your homepage to achieve what you want. Same setup is used here on UNA.IO and same is applied to default set in UNA 11. 

                                              • Think about receiving an update from 100 friends posting daily. Mind-numbing. What you have now is the ability to see what they post on your timeline as you browse the feed. 

                                                Posts are always fewer than Notifications, every action and reaction generates Notifications. Like liking, accepting etc

                                                • The Subscriptions feed you want to use is called Feed (Timeline) in Pages Builder. 

                                                  • Is this the subscriptions feed you mentioned?

                                                    • Happy the Chief is here. I can feel some relief that this is achievable. The next thing is how do I get it activated?

                                                      • Feed Timeline or Subscription Timeline

                                                        • Yes, I was not aware of this either. I am leaving the public feed on the homepage but adding the feed he mentioned to the account dashboard since I have a small site right now.

                                                          • I did not see a subscription timeline, but it appears he is stating that the feed timeline is the subscription timeline.

                                                            • Yes, Feed (Timeline) is the feed that shows posts from people and contexts you follow. We renamed it from Subscriptions Feed in v10 as far as I remember. Sorry for confusion. 

                                                              • Since I will still have a ‘public feed’ on the homepage I am renaming the ‘feed timeline’ Andrew mentioned that I am placing in the account dashboard, to ‘friends feed’, so there’s no confusion for the members. At some point as the site gets larger I may remove the public feed on the homepage.

                                                                • Thanks, it is not labeled subscription feed  but now I know which one to use.

                                                                  • The Subscriptions feed you want to use is called Feed (Timeline) in Pages Builder. 

                                                                    Hi, I have tried activating the Feed Timeline on the Person Module.

                                                                    I also disabled the initial Profile Timeline. Nothing is coming up.

                                                                    Am I wrong about this please. Can't wait to see this come to life.

                                                                    • I am so happy that I got this working and most importantly that it's designed ready.

                                                                      I was already feeling it will take some time for Boonex to accept it as an enhancement and another length of time before it will come of the works. Really a big relief for me. Thanks Andrew Boon 

                                                                      • Observation is that Feed Timeline and Outline both worked on homepage but only Feed Outline is working on Profile page. FYI

                                                                        • my initiative requires building engagement to enhance youth interactions for intertribal integration. 

                                                                          UNA is very poor for building engagement.

                                                                          One key to this would be instant notification. If I am online and someone views my profile I should get a non-intrusive, disappearing popup telling me that member/friend/ visitor is viewing my profile and their should link to profile. Oxwall and humhub does this.

                                                                          Creates engagement 

                                                                          • On profile page (say, when you look at some user profile and want to see what they are posting) use the "Profile Feed (Timeline)" - since it is a feed specifically tied to the context of the profile. 

                                                                            • On profile page (say, when you look at some user profile and want to see what they are posting) use the "Profile Feed (Timeline)" - since it is a feed specifically tied to the context of the profile. 

                                                                              Okay, thanks

                                                                              • My profile (Timeline) does not show any of my friends posts. The Outline does as it shows friends public posts as well as mine. Everything on my (Timeline) is just showing my stuff not my friendsimage_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=2615&dpx=1&t=1575723120

                                                                                • Hi Will Roberts  Profile Feed Timeline will not give you friends posts, disable it and bring out FEED OUTLINE from Add Block for the profile page.

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