GDPR Compliance

Any news on the GDPR Compliance of UNA? Andrew Boon mentioned a few months ago that it is planned but I could not find anything new yet.

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Replies (4)
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      • We can already configure for GDPR compliant projects, but note that software capability is only a small part of GDPR compliance. Most of it depends on  policies and management.

        As for the software, we mostly just need to provide you a way to fully delete accounts with content for RTBF, encryption in transit (SSL), tokenisation (depends on your configuratio) and data export tool. Data export still has no industry standard and is in effect a recommendation. This tool is coming though, but I’ll leave it to Alex T⚜️ to comment on when exactly. 

        • We wait for some real standard and tools to export data in unified format, so it can be interchangeable, for now there is no such complete standard/tool is available. We also try to participate in such projects initiative to make it happen earlier:

          However there is some paid services available which looks pretty good and we're considering them too, but in this case every user export will cost some money to the site owner and we want to avoid that.

          • Is UNA 12.1.0  CCPA compliant for California?

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