Follow and Unfollow buttons don't show

When we started creating the site we disabled the Follow and Unfollow buttons for organizations...
Now we changed our mind and we want them back, so I went in Navigations>Items>Organizations>View Actions and I enabled them back
But when I go to the organization page on the site I can't see those buttons...

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Replies (2)
    • Hey, you can't see the Feature item because you should scroll down the page, I've just disabled it because we don't need it...
      Do you know why the follow/unfollow button appears only if I've joined the organization and not for everyone?

      • Hello Leonardo Zen !

        Deleted my answer about Feature, just switched from Follow to Featured :-) About Organisations - as this app is the "split" of Profiles and Groups so Follow button there available only for participants like in the Groups.

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