How Do I Create A Custom 404 Error Page With UNA?

I want to create a custom 404 page to replace the bland "Error. Page Was Not Found" page UNA currently displays. I prefer my visitors have a positive experience when a page they are searching for doesn't exist.

I created a 404 page, added ErrorDocument 404 /page/404 to my .htaccess file, but I still see the above UNA default error message/page. Cleared cache too.

How do I create a custom 404 page with UNA?

Thank you!

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Replies (4)
    • Hello Jeff C !

      You need to modify (better redeclare) the method displayPageNotFound from inc/classes/BxDolTemplate.php class.

      • Thanks Leonid.

        I found displayPageNotFound but I am not an expert in php. Not sure how to modify/redeclare the function to display a custom url 404 page properly.

        • Ok, then it's better to change this method directly in the mentioned file. But in this case, you will need to track this change during the upgrade because this file will be marked as "different" from the default.

          • I give up. Cannot figure out either method.

            I did edit "_sys_request_page_not_found_cpt" key so I can display a custom html based message to visitors instead of "page not found".

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