Database error - Mysql error: Duplicate entry '5469-5463' for key 'initiator'

Hi all

Does anyone know what could be causing this error?

(attached received message)



INSERT INTO `sys_profiles_conn_subscriptions` SET `initiator` = :initiator, `content` = :content, `added` = :added

Mysql error:

Duplicate entry '5469-5463' for key 'initiator'


The error was found in query function in the file /home/hypatiac/ at line 242.



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Replies (6)
    • Hello Claudio Acosta !

      According to your previous messages, something was wrong with the records to your table because it looks like a similar request with one set of key data could be sent twice. But has the check before the execution of MySQL query.

      • What concerns me Claudio Acosta is several discussion posts from you regarding database errors. I would make sure you have backups running.

        • LeonidS and Jeremy 

          What do you suggest I do about database errors?

          Right now I'm checking with TMD if they backup the databases. I suppose so, but I would like to do it automatically, programmed, what procedure and software do you suggest?

          • In regards to the errors, I will be honest and say it's hard to say without actually looking at everything. I know you have posted quite a bit, but it's always easier for tech support to be logged into CPanel and your site to troubleshoot. phpMyAdmin is what is mainly used to look around in databases, however, it is not very forgiving if you change something incorrectly. Your site will go down.

            For backing up (manual process periodically), the easiest thing to do is use Cpanel --> phpMyAdmin and click on the databasse, then look on right side, click Export tab 

            Export Method: Quick (default)

            Format: Sql (default)

            and press Go.

            There is also Backup and Backup Wizard tools inside Cpanel --> Files section of TMD hosting you can use as well for backing up

            • Thanks Jeremy, very kind.
              I will take your suggestions into account. I have already started to back up the databases manually, with phpmyadmin, as you indicated. I'll see the backup wizard later.

              • You're welcome Claudio Acosta 

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