HomePage missing "Visibility / Share with" settings.

On the page: System > Home Page

I have the a BLOCK "Create Post (Public)" 

When trying to Set the Visibility Settings the dropdown only contains one option "Public" 

How do I get it to show all visibility statuses like on "Post to Feed"? 


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Replies (7)
    • create post (public) block is used just if you want visibility to be restricted to only public just ass create post (context) are used within a context module (like groups, events, spaces, etc)...best you use "Create Post" if you want all visibility options...(Just saying)

      • Awesome explanation, thank you Stephen-Mystic Inam  

        • I keep finding the 'visibility' on the 'Create Post' widget is stuck on 'Public', but the posts aren't showing up on the Public feed...only when I use the 'Post to Public Feed'.  

          Ultimately, I'd like to make all posts shared to 'Friends', with the option to make the post public, but something isn't clicking.  Ideas?

          • Hello Friendshare !

            You need to use the "Create Post" (or "Post to Feed") block and after it add a new RAW block with the following content:


              var oSel = $("-form-element-object_privacy_view option[value=5]");

            oSel.attr("selected", "selected");


            • Ahh, thanks.  

              I noticed when I enter the 'script' data and save, the Una icon keeps loading and loading, but it doesn't actually save the block.  Have you encountered that issue?

              • Yes, it means that your hosting has too strict settings of the ModSecurity filter and it doesn't allow to post smth similar. You need to ask your hosting support about it.

                • I saw a similar comment from another user... Turned off modsecurity and it worked. 

                  I tried a few combinations but the posts still default to public. Not sure what's causing the problem. 

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