Ages can be -1?

Umm...not sure how this is happening...


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Replies (4)
    • Hello George!

      It seems that query  SELECT `c`.*, `p`.`account_id``p`.`id` AS `profile_id``a`.`email` AS `profile_email``p`.`status` AS `profile_status` FROM `bx_persons_data` AS `c` INNER JOIN `sys_profiles` AS`p` ON (`p`.`content_id` = `c`.`id` AND `p`.`type` = 'bx_persons'INNER JOIN `sys_accounts` AS `a` ON (`p`.`account_id` = `a`.`id`) WHERE c.`id`=[number of profile] returns incorrect result or field `birthday` has wrong value (like from future year).


      • Leo,

        I'm not George...but that's something in the code that I never messed with...

        • Oops, sorry Five For A Change! So may you check what value has this person in table `bx_persons_data`?

          With the best regards, Leonid

          • Hello Five for a Change!

            Deal was in passing this field by user without fill it. So you may set default value for Birthday field as for example 1991-02-01, then if user didn't fill this field it will have more realistic value there.

            With the best regards, Leonid

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