UNA webinar naming

A great step forward are the UNA webinars. Please pay attention in naming the webinars. Like the image shows - except webinar #7 -  all others have the 'same name' in this CARD view. So it is hard to find the right webinar.

Also a list of all webinars + content overview would be very helpfull

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Replies (5)
    • Thank you for this feedback Peter. These webinars were initially more like “let’s just try and see how we go” sort of thing, but we found that the process of preparing and running then brings massive value - we test modules more, we experiment with media streaming servers and we gradually create support content. So, more and more it becomes clear that more attention will go into Events, Courses, Wiki, Videos modules and live streaming capabilities across the platform in general. In relation to what you’ve mentioned, I will fix the naming later today and we are also preparing a new format for most cards, including for Persons, Events, Groups, etc. 

      • Tank You for the reply Andrew. From the very first ''nearly unnamed webinar *gg'' until #6 I watched them all. Some of them live, others later. Its midnight+ in vienna when You start streaming, so I'm very happy with the recordings online after the events.

        It is astonishing how fast You guys move forward in the development of this format as well. Thumbs up and please keep going in this independent groove :)

        • Yeah, You did it! 

          • Thank you. It feels like we need to develop this more - live webinrs really help us test things out and at the same time create educational and marketing content. Another benefit is development of streaming functionality for UNA. 

            • I agree, especially concerning the points 'educational and marketing content' You mentioned. May be it is the right time now to start building up some kind of moderated public ''UNA user manual'' or ''HOW TO extended'', a public knowledgebase with a good structured taxonomy. Step by step growing. 

              That would be not only very helpfull, informative and motivating for all kinds of UNA users but could strongly relief the actual forum and its moderators too.

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