
Where is the pruning setting? Thank you.

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Replies (4)
    • The pruning is automatic for the following:

      1) expired membership levels

      2) old sessions

      3) expired storage tokens

      4) transcoded images (if wasn't used for some time)

      5) expired keys (example: used for forgot password)

      6) files from tmp, cache and cache_public are deleted after 1 month

      • Thank you for the reply. I was afraid that old (but good) content was going to be deleted after a specified period. This is what the term "pruning" has come to mean in some social app administration. 

        • So there is no place to be able to set the run time for Pruning. mine runs everyday at 7pm. This seems to be at peak hour. how can the time it runs be changed?

          • Hello @PRiZM !

            You may try to apply the following query in your UNA database to change the time of the running (but ackup the table `sys_cron_jobs` first):

            UPDATE `sys_cron_jobs` SET `time`='[any number in 1-24 interval, because the default is 0] 0 * * *' WHERE `name`='pruning';

            and clear the cache via Dashboard.

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