MassMiler - Database error


We've set in MassMailer to delete all the sent messages older then 365 days.

Now one of the campaing reached that criteria but something is wrong when cron job tries to delete those letters from DB:

Database error

DELETE FROM `bx_massmailer_letters` WHERE `campaign_id` IN (4,8)

Mysql error:
SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens

What can we do about that error?

Kind regards


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Replies (1)
    • I have tried to run that query manualy in phpmyadmin:

      DELETE FROM `bx_massmailer_letters` WHERE `campaign_id` IN (4,8)

      with success - I just simulated it not exetuted it and it finds all the letters from campaing_id 4 and 8.

      I wonder why cronjob at every morning at 2:00 has this problem described above.....

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