Membership Levels in the sign up form?

Hello Guys!

Some questions and troubleshooting:

I`ve been working hard on my project and I still haven`t found a way to make it possible to the user select his membership level during his sign up fill in information.

Let me explain:

My project consists in two separate roles for final users... I need these to be set as them join the social network, cause i need to hide some information from a specific profile. Example: Profile A cannot view the same info as Profile B...

How can I set this up?

Other question is:

I`ve been trying to set team members of my crew to work on the Studio, I`ve done the Sql entry is recommended on the FAQ but All I`ve is my team member logged with few apps... (see file attached)... It`s missing so many apps and I set the operator level with so many permissions. what is happening here?

Where can I find a page to manage all the users?

Thanks a lot,


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Replies (4)
    • Just add the upgrade membership block to the page users are being redirected after a sign up (best using a custom redirect page after signup where you can place the membership block)... And in person/ord mod in studio, you should set one of the roles as default.

      Also in the custom redirect page, the can add a html/raw block, telling user to choose membership type or otherwise continue to use default role.

      Though if you're using una 13v a1 or a2, there's an issue with custom redirect, which is already fixed and scheduled for next version release. Nevertheless, it works fine for una 12v

      • Hello @Rafael !

        What info about profile B do you want to hide from the profile B? Do your additional admins have the profiles, not just accounts? If so plz provide me your Studio access via Messenger.

        • Thanks a Lot :)

          • Hi LeonidS! I will message you my info and answer.... thanks a lot!

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