Jericho Writers

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Thanks for all your previous help, we have a new issue for you.  Users get a blank body when the go to Messanger when viewing in Microsoft Edge.  From testing it works fine in other browsers and phones, just Edge on a PC.  See attached screen grab 1 for the visual view, i have also attached the DevTools window that shows a few errors.  These errors are not present in Chrome.

Many thanks for any assistance.

  • 1483
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We are using the Cloud4 hosting package for our installation of UNA (

We have noticed an issue with the Comment to page.  This is reached when you click on a "added a comment to" on the Notifications page.

The page that opens (see attached image) has a title that reads: Comment to {object_title}  An example of this can be sen here:

The {object_title} part should be the title of the parent forum you have responded to and link to it.  The link however is:  which goes to a 404

I can see in the querystring the ID of the forum post is being passed to the page, it looks like the {object_title} part is not being replaced with the title and url.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how this culd be fixed?




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Hello, we have a splash on our community site:  We want Google to index this page but Google does not like the page because the title tag on the splash page is empty: .  I have looked at the polygot settings and found a key called _sys_txt_splash_title.  There was a value in that field which I updated and still nothing shows.  

We tried getting around it by adding a title tag to the splash page code directly, however this hack does not work. It gets placed below the default empty title tag and Google reads the first set ignoring the one injected lower down.  It also breaks html standards by having two sets.

The boss is a little unhappy as this is a basic html requirement and there is no where to enter this data to populate the top title tags.  Does anyone know how this can be done, or can UNA staff fix this?

Many thanks in advanced for any help offered.

Kind regards



  • 1602
Jericho Writers Discussions
Messanger does not work in MS Edge
Notification comment page shows "Comment to {object_title}" as the title
Title tag on splash page is empty