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Also noticed when I create groups and events the cover and profile images are huge making page load slow. Are the photos not being resized on upload if not this is nuts because each photo is 2+ meg not cool for loading on a web page multiple times.

Thanks for input on this


  • 1331
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Hello everyone so I have a groups event site I am building. is there a way to link events to groups so only members of that group can list and attend those events?

just figured someone has been through this already.



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Ok so watching the intro video it says you can use your entire webpage as the ap.... Is there an IOS and ANDROID ap that simply connects to the webpage and logs the person in but actually displays the web page not an ap version?

Have not done work on ANDROID or IOS aps and I would want an ap to simply connect to the webpage , log them in and send notifications. only would need to work while online.

  • 1357
2paulm Discussions
Photo Size
Group Events - List
ANDROID and IOS aps?