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I'm struggling with a problem with the video module and also plyr module: I've uploaded a video and it is also converted. Also on the view page it is showing the preview picture. But when I try to play it it is not playing. The default player is not acceting any input and plyr is showing that the video is loading.

In the logs I do not get any errors like "not found" or "permission denied" or something like this.

Is there anybody with an idea what can be wrong here?

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I'm struggling with the error message: "bx_import fatal error: class (BxTemplCmtsUploaderHTML5) wasn't found" when I try to open a message in conversations module. In the meantime I've found also the BxTemplCmtsUploaderHTML5.php file, but when I put it in the directory where it is also in the git repo the error persists.

Can someone please advise what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you

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Callya Discussions
Video is not playing
bx_import fatal error: class (BxTemplCmtsUploaderHTML5) wasn't found