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I was pretty good with Boonex but struggling a bit as a UNA newbie it seems. I've put some exploration time into trying to figure out how to populate then edit the Product block or Event block that shows up under a given group. I must be missing something and can't find anything on the forums that helps. Help?

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I'm seeing a lot of DMCA discussions on my YouTube suggestions page mostly because of Naughty Dog & Sony, Suzy Lu and a few others in the news right now. I did a UNA search on DMCA hopefully to find some best practice ideas but alas, I found none.  

Any best practice notes to share regarding minimizing DMCA related issues?  Better to be proactive than reactive.

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What if I want to do a quick test insert into a db table from a file on the root?  Is there a db_res("INSERT style call I can use with UNA?

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I'm researching how the persons_pictures table(s) are populated and just noticed when photos in the Photos module are delete OR when a profile with photos is deleted, the appropriate tables keep the image data and the file remains in the assigned directory.  Perhaps there is some kind of cleanup utility that runs later, independent of the "delete" submissions in the Photo module or when a profile is complete?  

  • 1268
goodguyndfw Discussions
So.... How do you add a product or event to a specific event?
DMCA precautions
is there an equivalent of db_res?
image and image data remains in tables and on server when deleted