Jose Miguel

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Is there any package or App that uses simple REST calls and returns non-html responses?

We are looking for a JSON or  XML style response; full HTML is not useful for our application.

Best Regards,

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I have successfully installed and configured UNA on my server, and so far everything runs smoothly. (Minor hiccups on Azure, but nothing too complicated)

According to the documentation, there should be API calls available for use, although they seem to be under m/oAuth path, which tells me that I should buy the oAuth package.

Is this correct?

If so, would I be able to transfer that purchase over my PROD environment once the site is fully deployed or should I buy one for each environment (Dev/QA/etc)


  • 1270
Reposted Andrey Yasko's post.

UNA platform matures and we get more people interested in launching their own UNA-powered custom community sites. In the last few months, particularly, UNA Team is in a situation that we need to narrow the scope of potential clients and also lay out guidelines for what kind of projects we are eager to work with and what kind of projects we would rather not touch. 

It is important to understand that UNA is primarily a public-service product, making positive impact a top priority. Revenue generation is important, but not critical for UNA platform success, so we are fortunate to be able to say "no" to projects that don't align with our mission. 


Prohibited Usage

Websites using UNA platform for the activities outlined below will be pro-actively disconnected from version updates and any support services. Below activities are considered prohibited usage and will result in immediate account suspension or cancellation without a refund and the possibility that UNA Inc will impose fees; and/or pursue civil remedies without providing advance notice.

  • Spam and Unsolicited Bulk Email: UNA Inc has a zero tolerance policy on spam. 
  • Access to Other Computers or Networks without Authorisation: Any act which interferes with the services of another user or network. Any act relating to the circumvention of security measures.
  • Activities Viewed as Illegal or Harmful: Fraudulent or otherwise illegal activities, including engaging in phishing or otherwise obtaining financial or other personal information in a misleading manner or for fraudulent or misleading purposes; promoting and supporting abusive, violent, harassing, malicious or harmful content
  • Any activity or content that is harmful to minors in any way
  • Communities promoting hateful or discriminatory activity based on race, color, sex, religion, nationality, ethnic or national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or age.


Unsupported Usage

Below activities are not considered prohibited usage, but may be offered limited technical support. Automatic updates for such websites can still be accessed. Direct technical support and general community support may be limited to questions not including direct links, media or content references posted publicly at UNA.IO or via UNA Inc. direct email support. In most cases UNA technical specialists reserve the right to refuse visiting or otherwise interacting with the websites involved in such activities. 

  • Pornography and Adult-content: Depictions or images of sexual acts or implied sexual activity; graphic photos or videos. This does NOT automatically include networks for heterosexual, gay, lesbian or transgender individuals; breast feeding networks or educational networks promoting safe sex, assuming that pornography and graphic media is not present.
  • Potentially Illegal Group Activity: Networks promoting illegal or harmful gatherings; denial-of-service attacks; service disruption activities; radical political or religious actions.


Endorsed Usage

We strongly believe that building generic social networks (a.k.a. "Facebook Clones") using UNA platform is not beneficial for end-users. Network operators are encouraged to focus on building niche communities focused on beneficial causes. Uniting people around interests, goals or activity that is inspiring, positive and helpful invariably leads to overall project success. Below activities will be supported with priority.

  • Educational and inspirational content generation and sharing
  • NGOs, NPOs and other groups contributing towards common welfare.
  • Philanthropic, humanitarian, charitable networks.
  • Open-source and Free software initiatives. 



This is still a draft, which will be updated before official publication. Comments and suggestions are most welcome. 



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So I've been trying to install UNA as an Azure Web App; however the MyISAM Engine is not supported in Azure. I changed the Engine manually to be InnoDB on system.sql (there is a query that specifies MyISAM) and on DxDolDB.php.

After the change, I was able to successfully install the app but performance is awfully slow (loading a page takes 30 - 40s)

Additionally, all texts after installation show as languague keys instead of the proper language value.

Has anyone had a similar issue?


  • 1311
Jose Miguel Discussions
API Calls Part 2
API calls
Database Engine