Andrey Yasko

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    UNA Team
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The Accounts app one of the Core Apps that is fundamental for accounts management in a community. It's an unusual app, in that it exposes a grid with data both in Studio and in frontend. Accounts app is for Operators and Admins/Moderators, too.

The Accounts App documentation is updated with detailed descriptions of all actions and info items. Let us know if there is anything else you'd like to know about Accounts app.

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Day 9, 10 and 11 of the 100 D-Days Challenge

With that we're 10% into the challenge, just ramping up!

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Day 6, 7 and 8 of the 100 D-Days Challenge

It was a busy weekend and Monday. More updates and new docs on the way!

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Day 5 of the 100 D-Days Challenge

It is important to understand the difference between the three steps of removing UNA apps from your UNA site. In short - you deactivate when you want to hide or stop the app, uninstall when you want to erase the data and delete when you want to remove the app completely.

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Day 4 of the 100 D-Days Challenge

  • The new Concepts document is added outlining the fundamental cocnepts that define UNA CMS logic. This doc is somewhat similar to the Glossary, but only focusing on most important aspects of UNA. It recommended to read before starting any work with UNA CMS.

Did we miss anything? What improvements would you suggest?

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Day 3 of the 100 D-Days Challenge

  • The FAQ doc is overhauled with detailed answers based on various questions we received in the last few weeks.

This FAQ is now quite detailed and long, so we will use it to branch off into smaller documents and to train our support chatbot.

If you have any questions you'd like to be covered by the FAQ, please suggest in comments.

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Day 2 of the 100 D-Days Challenge

  • Glossary document is updated with definitions for tens of various terms commonly used in UNA-verse.
  • The How UNA Works document now has a brief overview video demonstrating the main UNA CMS concepts
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Day 1 of the 100 D-Days Challenge

Introduction page of UNA Documentation is updated with a general description of UNA CMS, detailed explanation of what we mean by CMS and why one should choose UNA.

A new How UNA Works page added with brief overview of UNA functionality, what we mean by Context and Content modules, brief overview of the Core Apps in Studio and a few words on deployment. A video overview for this page coming tomorrow.

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Today, we are starting a 100-day challenge to update and expand UNA CMS documentation. This is an open challenge for us. We are committed to completing it, and we ask you, the UNA community, to hold us accountable.


  • UNA Documentation is poor. It’s outdated and very limited. We need to make it exceptional. Not just OK, or good… it should be amazing.
  • We are tuning an AI model to provide support for UNA operators and developers. A good model requires up-to-date reference data.
  • As we work on the Docs, we test everything thoroughly. In 100 days, we should have a stable release of UNA 14 ready, and this time around, it must be very well-tested.
  • With community involvement, we will be able to not just write docs, but identify problems and work out new solutions.


  • Every day of the next 100 days, including weekends, we will publish or update at least one new Docs page. On good days, we may be able to do more than one.
  • Every day, we will start a discussion related to the published Doc and invite the community to suggest edits, ask questions, critique, and share opinions on the subject.
  • Before publishing any new page, we will incorporate all relevant and useful updates posted in discussions into previously published docs.

If you have recommendations for specific pages that need updating, or requests for docs on any specific topic, please post in replies to this discussion.

It’s ON!

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Andrey Yasko Discussions
Accounts App doc updated - Day 12 of D-100
Adding Apps, Core Apps Overview, Starter Kits - D9-10-11
Principles, Requirements, Installation Guide + Installation on Ubuntu Debian - D6-7-8
"Removing Apps" - D5 of 100 D-Days
"UNA Concepts" - D4 of 100 D-Days
"Frequently Asked Questions" - Day 3 of 100 D-Days Challenge