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I get the error

Your hosting doesn't meet minimal requirements:
allow_url_include = On - FAIL (must be = Off)

But when I do my own check "allow_url_include" is infact set to "off" (see my own check indicated by the red arrow in the image)

  • 887
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The place where the plugin autoload file is being required is here "/install/index.php on line 52"

If you go to the repo and look in the plugin dir (una/plugins/) u will see no such file exists only an .htaccess file

  • 724
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When analysing it with WinDirStat i get this report

Please check your disk usage and clean up if you can. Thank you.

921.9 MB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master
594.1 MB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\upgrade
283.2 MB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\modules
29.5 MB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\plugins_public
9.1 MB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\template
2.0 MB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\inc
1.7 MB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\studio
1.6 MB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\samples
434.1 KB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\install
174.3 KB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\scripts
128.8 KB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\
128.0 KB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\tests
4.5 KB C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\periodic
106 Bytes C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\cache_public
105 Bytes C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\tmp
75 Bytes C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\storage
14 Bytes C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\logs
14 Bytes C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\plugins
13 Bytes C:\Users\ivan\Downloads\una-master_big\una-master\cache

Disk usage report generated by WinDirStat.
  • 732
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The download link (Download the latest UNA package “.zip” archive) in the install guide (found on github) seems broken. When i open that link all i see is a page with the download section is empty

  • 744
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When was una.io first created?

  • 715
Ivan006 Discussions
Your hosting doesn't meet minimal requirements: allow_url_include = On - FAIL (must be = Off)
Install.php file requires "BX_INSTALL_DIR_PLUGINS . 'autoload.php';" file but no such file exists
I noticed the repo from github is very big when uncompressed is any of it bloat i can delete?
A link in the install guide seems broken
When was Una.io first created?