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Hello UNA Team,

It has been a week or two since the Discussion board (forum) here on is getting bombarded with continuous spam. Some new spammer accounts/profiles are creating hundreds of discussion posts. They are all spam and most of them have the same timestamp. 

Please investigate this issue and implement effective anti-spam measures.

How do they even manage to add hundreds of discussions at once? Are they humains creating an account/profile, then spamming the discussions or robots/bots using some sort of automated scripts?

If there is a vulnerability in UNA being exploited by spammers/hackers to spam the discussions module, then we (users running UNA websites) are all screwed till you guys find the problem and provide us with a fix.

I am really concerned.😕

  • 182
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In the Permissions App > Timeline module, there is this 'Send' Permission.

Please can anyone explain to me what is it for and how does it work? I don't see any 'Send' button on the timeline.

Is it used to send files to the timeline? or maybe to send your timeline url to another user?


  • 185
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Hello UNA Team,

I would like to create some custom fields to be displayed on user profiles eg: Website, social network etc.

I would like them to be visible to anyone but to be available to Premium and other paid membership levels only as a value-added feature to their membership. Only those paid levels will be allowed to use them.

How to set permissions to a custom field based on membership levels?

I can't figure out how to do that.

Please help.


  • 258
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Hello UNA Team.

@Alex T⚜️ @Roman L I would like to inform you that the very same problems I once reported with 2FA and Twilio (500 Internal Server Error), which were fixed, are still there in UNA 13.1.0-Final/Stable.

Issue #1: 2FA not working in UNA 13-B3

Issue #2: Phone Confirmation page (/confirm-phone) not working. Twilio not working with UNA 13-B3

Those problems were fixed here:

2FA issue #4081 (UNA 13.0.0-RC1)

Twilio bug #4046 (UNA 13.0.0-B4)

Unfortunately, it seems to me that those fixes were not carried over to the Final (stable) version of UNA 13.1.0.

Please could you provide us with the fix for UNA 13.1.0-Final and above?


  • 224
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Hello UNA Team,

The 'Set Operator Role' is missing since I've updated to UNA 13.1.0-Stable. I used to have it. Have you moved it to somewhere else? @Alex T⚜️ @LeonidS

I'am logged in with my top admin account. Now, when I go to: Frontend > Dashboard > Accounts > Gear Wheel > There is no more 'Set Operator Role'. I only have:

  • Edit Email
  • Resend Confirmation
  • Reset Password
  • Resend Reset Password

Same applies when I go to Studio > Account > Manage

Is this a bug or am I looking at the wrong place?

Anyone else having the same problem?


  • 282
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Hello UNA Team,

UNA can also be used as a marketplace. Please could you add the 'Last Seen' status/field (how long it's been since the user logged in) in the profile page's info block with the option for the profile owner to control its visibility through the privacy settings? @Andrey Yasko @Alex T⚜️

Thanks in advance.

  • 258
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Hello UNA Team,

In the custom page settings, there is no way to edit the 'link'. The field is not editable. Can I safely edit it from the database?


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I would like to deter members from creating a profile for a business/organization using the person profile app. Instead, business should create an Organization profile. They have to meet all my platform requirements for organizations and go through an approval process to create their profile.

I know that from the url, we can tell whether a profile is for a person or an organization but, i would like that information to be clearly visible (mentioned) on the profil page as well.

That's why, in the Info block on the profile page (view person and organization), i would like to display a field that shows the profile type. e.g::

Profile Type: Person


Profile Type: Organization

I would like other members to easily identify what type of profile they are dealing with, whether it's a person or an organization. That will also expose scammers (people) who will try to act as a legit company while using a person profile.

So, how to achieve that?


  • 319
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Hello guys,

I have both free (with ads) and paid ad-free subscriptions (without ads). I would like to offer a 'paid featured profiles' service as an additional feature to further monetize my platform. Those featured profiles will be displayed on the website home page, the person and organization home. Member will purchase featured status for a duration of 1 day, 7 days or 30 days.

I don't want paid members (ad-free accounts) to start complaining about featured profiles being displayed to them.

So, can a Featured Profile be considered an ad?

Please, your thoughts!


  • 284
OneEagle Discussions
Has UNA Website been spammed/hacked?
How does the send feature work on the Timeline?
How to set permissions to custom fields based on membership levels?
2FA and Twilio bugs in UNA 13.1.0-Final
Missing Set Operator Role
Last Seen Status Request