Getting Started







Google Tag Manager

This module allows to get advantages of Google Tag Manager service. As the result it's possible to connect different analytics (such as Google Analytics) from one place - Google Tag Manager interface.

The only configuration in UNA is just "Google Tag Manager Container ID", all other configuration is done via Google interface.

Refer to Google Tag Manager user's guide for complete setup guide.

Basic Google Analytics tracking setup

Custom events and variables

Data layer variables which are passes on each page:

  • membership-id - current user membership ID
  • membership-name - current user membership name
  • profile-type - current user profile type (such as account, bx_persons, bx_organizations, etc)
  • profile-status - current user profile status (such as active, pending, suspended)
  • account-email-confirmed - whether current user has email confirmed (0 or 1)
  • account-profiles-count - number of profiles for the current account
  • keys-secrets-count - number of generated key&secret pairs

The following custom events are supported:

  • register - when new UNA account is registered
  • market-download - when download occurs in Market module, additional data params for the event:
    • product-id - Market product ID
    • product-name - Market product name (not publicly visible)
    • product-title - Market product tile
    • product-added - unix timestamp of when product was added
    • product-changed - unix timestamp of when product was changed
    • product-thumb - product thumbnail id (can be used to check if thumb exists)
    • product-price-single - product price for single purchase
    • product-price-recurring - product price for recurring billing
    • product-duration-recurring - recurring billing duration cycle
    • product-favorites - number of times the product was added to favorites
    • product-featured - check if the product is featured
    • product-comments - number of comments(reviews) for the product
    • vendor-display-name - product author display name
    • vendor-profile-id - product author ID
  • purchase - when something is purchased, additional data params for the event:
    • amount - purchase amount
    • currency - currency code
    • order-id - order ID
      NOTE: purchase event supports enhanced ecommerce, which can be enabled in Google Analytics for automatic tracking
      Also for Market module the following additional data is passed for one last product in case of several products in one order:
    • brand, vendor-display-name - product author display name
    • vendor-profile-id - product author ID
    • module-id - module ID where purchase is happening
    • module-name - module name where purchase is happening
    • quantity - quantity of the product
    • name, product-name - Market product name (not publicly visible)
    • price - Market product price single or recurring (exact purchase amount is in amount field)
    • product-id - Market product ID
    • product-title - Market product tile
    • product-added - unix timestamp of when product was added
    • product-changed - unix timestamp of when product was changed
    • product-thumb - product thumbnail id (can be used to check if thumb exists)
    • product-price-single - product price for single purchase
    • product-price-recurring - product price for recurring billing
    • product-duration-recurring - recurring billing duration cycle
    • product-favorites - number of times the product was added to favorites
    • product-featured - check if the product is featured
    • product-comments - number of comments(reviews) for the product