Embedly no longer has free version

Embedly will no longer have a free version in December. They sent me an email. The next upgrade is $9 a month for unlimited cards. Andrew Boon please verify and send a public announcement as this may disrupts people's sites if they didn't receive an email.

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Replies (7)
    • Thank you for reporting this Will. I think we should look into developing an extensive oEmbed and/or OpenGraph integration. These paid embedding services are a pain. 

      • Plan for 9 usd close in near future! 

        • I pay for it already but knowing most company's that $9 turns into $12 then $20 and so forth

          • It is best to avoid third party applications if at all possible unless you have them on your own server.  Jisti meet may go the same way in the future and suddenly your members can no longer do any sort of video conferencing.  Of course UNA might can provide access to a Jitsi server at a reasonable monthly price.

            • It is best to avoid third party applications if at all possible unless you have them on your own server.  Jisti meet may go the same way in the future and suddenly your members can no longer do any sort of video conferencing.  Of course UNA might can provide access to a Jitsi server at a reasonable monthly price.

              Jitsi software is licensed open source, as you say it is the Jitsi server that is the kicker. As you say, we could establish a paid service is this was ever required. We have this already for UNA.IO and have set up Jitsi servers for a number of clients. 

              But yes 3rd party intergrations are generally a pain, they start cheap but rarely remain so.   I remember when Mailchimp was cheap, their skyrocketing prices was one of the key reasons we developed the UNA Mass Mailer Module. 

              • What really needs to happen is make UNA self sufficient. Not rely on other service's that as of now are detrimental to success of UNA modules and services. There really shouldn't be anything to rely on, but itself. Because in the long run it affects site optimization, member easability and overall content usability present and future.

                Just saying...

                A good example for instance is when a 3rd party service or outside service stops allowing keys to use or access there sites, such as soundcloud for instance,  or starts chargingfor accessing there services or content.. 

                Doing so begins to seriously handicap UNA and what it offers. Especially if you buy module's that are 3rd party dependant...

                • I agree. third party (non una system or apporoved vendors excluded) apps and integrations are constantly changing, creating havoc, downtime and delayed site development. Internet companies have a history of bait and switch, offer free services to build their base and then change their whole fee schedule on their customers. I find that disgusting and morally questionable. So far Una has been upfront with any charges down the pike and i appreciate that honesty. Thanks

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