Google Play now wants 30% of all profits

Google Play has announced it will instate their policy of 30% of all profits developers make from their apps. A policy they have been ignoring. You are also going to be forced to use Google Plays payment system. The popular gaming app Fortnite was taken down from the Apple Store because Fortnight used it's own payment system. It is in a legal battle right now. What is in store for app developers that wish to profit off their apps? 30% to the store..then PayPals cut...that's already almost half your profit. How does anyone make money off their apps? I know that many apps only allow you to pay for stuff on the Google Play and not Apple because of their 30% but once Google starts taking 30% I guess most developers will have it so you can only purchase stuff via PC or desktop app. I foresee an app store that will soon allow all developers to put their apps on it without a 30% cut. What are anyone's opinions? Anyone that has apps what do you think? Do you avoid the fees? If so How?

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Replies (17)
    • Yes, it is a major concern for all developers with apps in either app store. Whilst Android OS theoretically allows you to install apps from outside the Google Play store, Apple iOS most certainly does not, the ONLY way to get an app onto an Apple device is via the App Store, and if you sell anything via the app, they will no longer publish your app unless you accept Apple Pay and their 30 % cut of all revenue.
      It should be noted that the 30% is not based on 'profit' but on 'gross revenue' - considering the processing fees for most credit card processors such as Stripe or Paypal run at 3-5% - paying 30% is gobsmaking.
      We have a number of apps that we publish wrangling with this atm, our main challenge has been with Apple - they are insisting that we include Apple Pay capabilities or else they will not publish many apps.
      This feels like extortion of the highest level, and it is the currently being contested in a major anti-trust case between Epic (the developers of Fortnite) and Apple, amongst others, the outcome of these cases will no doubt affect us all.

      • Which is why we can now inject apps on our mobile devices.  F Google, F Apple.

        • What do you mean by inject apps?

          • The solution is PWA

            • For that reason all shops must pay 30% from sell product)? I understand if pay for apps with more functions but all payment on site its not normal. 

              • The whole idea behind the apps stores; whether it is Google apps or Apple apps is to control what you can install on your device and to get a cut of the profits.  I don't like the control part; I should be able put any program on my computer; even if that computer is an Apple or Google phone, that I wish.  However, we know that both Google and Apple determines what apps appear in their markets.  Take GAB's app, they won't let it be in the market for people to download.  Of course since these devices; even the phones, are just computers, then there are going to be alternative ways.  I mostly deal with Android based devices which use APK files.  There are means where you can install apps without going through the apps market. You can host the app on your server and provide it to your users for them to download and inject the app onto the device.  I think it is also available on Apple devices but I don't own an Apple product and never intend to either.

                • @Will Monte.  Well said.  I used F-Droid to install K9 mail client on my Android.  Works great. It looks like they have a lot more apps, too.

                  • This is crazy to hear they are following in Apple's footsteps. Very disappointing.

                    • It was not unexpected. Google and Apple conveniently balanced each other out to avoid monopoly charges, while copying each other’s policies and effectively maintaining a tight duopoly. Developers don’t have real choice when it comes to apps - we have to give up 30% of revenue to either one of them. Even worse, when we are developing and promoting apps we strengthen their grip.

                      I believe that we should try and prioritise web-apps wherever possible. Most social networking sites don’t really need native apps. The only real drawback is lack of web-push support in iOS - something Apple keeps delaying deliberately, trying to subdue web-apps proliferation, even though late Steve Jobs openly stated that webapps is the future and we don’t even need native apps in most cases. 

                      • I was thinking a solution would be to take out any "cash out" or buy options for mobile apps and re-direct people to do this on web or PC only. This would be done by the hiding pages or blocks in Studio. Hiding all payment options for mobile apps and putting a notice to use regular PC or web to make payments could be a solution. I think any developer should be given a clear legal statement on what's acceptable and what's not for both Google and Apple. 

                        • We did this for some clients and it still wasn’t enough. Apple wants you to use IAP even if you don’t offer payments in the app. They say that if the app provides content accessible to paid clients only the payment option should be available in app hissing Apple IAP. 

                          • The whole idea behind the apps stores; whether it is Google apps or Apple apps is to control what you can install on your device and to get a cut of the profits.  I don't like the control part; I should be able put any program on my computer; even if that computer is an Apple or Google phone, that I wish.  However, we know that both Google and Apple determines what apps appear in their markets.  Take GAB's app, they won't let it be in the market for people to download.  Of course since these devices; even the phones, are just computers, then there are going to be alternative ways.  I mostly deal with Android based devices which use APK files.  There are means where you can install apps without going through the apps market. You can host the app on your server and provide it to your users for them to download and inject the app onto the device.  I think it is also available on Apple devices but I don't own an Apple product and never intend to either.

                            Tim Burleigh 

                            • What do you mean by inject apps?

                              Tim, i answered below, sorry for not tagging you.

                              • They delayed this in India as the developers have made a huge stance over there.

                                • They delayed this in India as the developers have made a huge stance over there.

                                  what we need is more app stores to compete and keep it fair when no competition some ppl take the slow road why give everything and wait a decade without new Innovation. but that's old thinking and new thinking is taking over so..?

                                  People forget times are more faster now-a-days and every second could lead to a light-bulb moment don't let it hold you back move on and if they put up walls just grin as hard as it is there the gate keeper On the other hand i heard that android is no problem with a root download from website lol but i know what your going to say and i concur most People don't like rooting apps into there phones that's why they win they got a stalemate and that's just the fact of the matter.

                                  • I wil allow payment system only on website but in apps. 😂

                                    • I think Indian govt is not aware of that policy at this time.

                                      When Indian govt understand their policy they can increase their tax on Google play Store revenue. Or they can force to remove or make something change into this.

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