How is everyone doing in these uncertain times?

How is everyone doing through this COVID-19 crisis?  Will Monte , I know you are in a major hot are you fairing through all of this?

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Replies (14)
    • I'm good bro, i will survive, but you have people that lived a life in a closet and blame humanity, therefore they feel the need to hurt others in a sick way by spitting and licking railings, doorknobs and other stuff. I have never seen TimeSquare NY so empty like it's been. I wonder sometimes how ChinaTown here in NY why things have been so quiet, you would think 90% of those individuals would be infected, i hope i'm wrong but it's very odd. It's a ghost town now, all of NY from what i know.

      • Hope your safe as well

        • Best wishes Gents.  Stay safe and look after your loved ones. 

          • That's crazy,PA just announced no more school for there's of the year...I go for walks and it is amazing how many people are not taking it seriously... ignorance.

            • I know!! It blows me away. It's like there totally oblivious to the danger and seriousness of the corona virus. It's alarming for sure. 😕 

              • I am doing ok, family as well. The site keeps me busy, and wife works from home right now, so... My son is out of school, what sounds like for the year, in Nevada.

                • Ohio is fairing pretty well so far, but yeah people arent taking it serious at all.  Ive been tested positive for covid19 and I wont even go out side and sit on my porch because I dont want anyone getting it from me. I picked it up from a co worker that didnt know he had it at the time. Everyone, dont take any chances its not only your life in jeopardy but evryone elses lives that you come in contact with.   

                    • Ohio is fairing pretty well so far, but yeah people arent taking it serious at all.  Ive been tested positive for covid19 and I wont even go out side and sit on my porch because I dont want anyone getting it from me. I picked it up from a co worker that didnt know he had it at the time. Everyone, dont take any chances its not only your life in jeopardy but evryone elses lives that you come in contact with.   

                      Wow, sorry to hear that, wish you speedy recovery!

                      • I hope you are feeling better... I hope people heed the message you and many other are shouting...STAY HOME! 

                        Be well my brother... we are with you...

                        • Sad to hear Mmspires Get lots of rest and get well soon. God is good.

                          • How about our dear friends from Russia? Those who magically show up here every day of the year to politely assist others. I think you know who I am talking about...  Haha.

                            At first it looked as though they would be spared. But now there are over 18,000 cases and rising. And almost 150 souls lost.

                            Unfortunately, in the USA many believe that no one has the right to tell them what to do or even to suggest it. The final results could be catastrophic. And it could take years before our economy is restored. Things may get so bad that many will have to cry out to the Almighty.   : )

                            We used to read about the great plagues of history. Now we are living in one. 

                            Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you guys in the growing world-wide UNA family. 

                            • As I understand it, all our team in Russia and Asia are okay, we are all working remotely for along time, so social distancing is in our DNA. 

                              Andrew, Alex and I are all in Australia where the effects of COVID 19 have been largely controlled, although the financial ramifications of the controlling measures are having a huge toll. It seems like everyone, everywhere has been touched by the influence of this virus, it is indeed the plague of our era, we will all no doubt feel the effects, whether they are physical or financial, for a long time to come.
                              I hope you and yours are keeping safe & healthy banister and as you say, a big shout out all the rest of our growing UNA familia, whilst we are all in this together, some are no doubt feeling the squeeze harder than others. I hope that you get better soon Mmspires, thoughts & prayers are especially with you.

                              • These words are seriously taken to heart. We are not only members and users and admins of such an amazing platform, but we also are creating a virtual family of friends and great people. Not only is your knowledge and efforts noticed and showing beautifully with your continued moving forward and still contributing to knowledge and building relationships, but you are for sure a great asset to us all, along with Andrew, Alex and the so many growing others that follow.

                                Thank you so much for all you do.

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