Micro avatars really too small

I like the new layout of the forums, but I just applied the updates on my production site and the only comments I receive for now is "what is the usefulness of micro-avatar?".
1) Well they are so small that I have no explanation to provide.
I know they are only a visual cue, but still, in messenger for example, it is 1.875rem, which is not too big, in forums 1rem! There are typical avatars like mine that we can recognize painfully, but most people have a picture, and there they all look identical so it's small.
Please use the minimum messenger format as well as it is more standardized.
2) Also you have reduced sharply, too! The member must understand that he finds his menus, again with most of a photo, the member does not recognize himself, he does not see that it is itself. For all the slightly dark pictures it looks just like a task, please, find the right compromise between current size and old size, between the two would be nice.


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Replies (4)
    • Hello Baloo !

      What do you think - if back this pic to the default 48*48 px (the real current size of the thumb) will it be fine? Anyway you may change these parameters of the pics resize in `sys_transcoder_filters` table:

      INSERT INTO `sys_transcoder_filters` (`transcoder_object`, `filter`, `filter_params`, `order`) VALUES 

      ('bx_persons_thumb', 'Resize', 'a:3:{s:1:"w";s:2:"50";s:1:"h";s:2:"50";s:13:"square_resize";s:1:"1";}', '0'), 

      ('bx_persons_avatar', 'Resize', 'a:3:{s:1:"w";s:3:"100";s:1:"h";s:3:"100";s:13:"square_resize";s:1:"1";}', '0'), 

      • Hello Leonid, thank you, but it looks like he's already that size.


        • Hi Baloo ! I mean you need to change these sizes :-)

          • Hello Leonid, I thought you meant to replace by these sizes :-) Thanks!

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