Ordering page blocks from right to left on mobile.

How can I get pages blocks to be ordered from right column to the left column on mobile?

I've a page with 2-column layout. this page will show fine on laptop, but on mobile it will show as one column with blocks from the left column first, followed by the blocks from the right column at the end. Any idea who to get blocks from right column to appear first on top on mobile?

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Replies (5)
    • LeonidS can you help with this please!

      • You can try to use different page layout when thin column is on the left.

        • when I change the layout, the desktop version becomes very ugly because I need the main column to be on the right for RTL website. The problem, is that on mobile, the left (secondary) column appears on the top of the mobile column. I might need to make some code changes but currently undable to idenfify the class / method responsible for displaying blocks on mobile.

          • LeonidS any idea which class / method is responsible for rendering the page blocks on mobile from left column to the right column? I need to change the direction to render columns from right to left on mobile.

            • The only CSS styles bound on moible there are .bx-media-phone .bx-layout-col. But the main part which is responsible for it depends for the CSS classes like bx-layout-bcb-bar1 (or bar2) bx-layout-column-thin and bx-layout-bcb-content bx-layout-column-half.

              But in your case you may add the RAW block with Javascript which will change the order of the bx-layout-col divs.

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