Suggestions about setting up my domain

Hello, Thank you for adding me to the group.

I'm in the planning stage and would like suggestions about how to get set up.

I'd like to create a paid membership group. 

My first thought is traffic so my plan is to set up my main domain with articles for SEO with a sales page/landing page as my homepage.

The main domain will be hosted at my current hosting account.

So I'm thinking...I'd like to set up a blog on the main domain name...then create a sub-domain and re-direct it to my UNA hosted social site.

Is this a good way to set this up? 

My current hosting handles the SSL...if I set up a subdomain and re-direct it to my UNA hosted site will it mess up the SSL my current hosting sets up.

Any suggestions and ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks, Deb

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