What is the best size for the Splash image (Width and height)?


Please, can someone tell me what is the best size for the splash image (Width and height) that will work well in all screen/device resolutions? I can't tell the size of the current spl-image-main.svg in the template/images/ folder as it is a svg file.

I am working on a high-quality picture (Photo) and I am having tough time to come up with a good quality SVG file as this last one is a vector image. I would rather use PNG or JPEG.

What is the estimated weight and height of the current spl-image-main.svg file?


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Replies (7)
    • Hello @OneEagle !

      If you mean to use the JPG or PNG files you may use the percent width and height then.

      • Thanks. I will use the percent width and height to make the image responsive but what about the original image size to be designed? What is the estimated weight and height of a goog spl-image-main file that will fit well on the splash page? (e.g: xxxx pixels x yyyyy pixels) Thanks

        • Default SVG file has the following params:

          svg width="812px" height="397px"
          • Thanks a lot. It's all I needed ;)

            By the way, when i use the Chrome Web Inspector on the Splash image, i can see this:

            .bx-spl-line.bx-spl-l1 .bx-spl-image {
                max-width: 100%;

            As you can tell it already has max-width: 100%. Then my question is: as i will be using JPG or PNG, do I still need to use percent width and height? (width: 100%; height: 100%;). If so where should I add them? Thanks

            • Any know what this means when I try to upgrade to 13.0

              Can't apply upgrade because the following files were modified: template/images/spl-image-main.svg-old, template/images/spl-image-main.psd, template/images/spl-image-main.svg

              • Hi @Jon Coward. Please go to Studio -> Settings App -> Site Settings -> Enable the option: 'Force auto-update, even if some files were modified', save. Then try to upgrade your UNA again. Please do not forget to back up your files and database first before upgrading.

                • Thanks. I forgot I had it here.

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