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Reposted UNA Inc's product.

Utilising the power of 'Hashtags' for sorting, following and discovering content. Channels creates a 'context' for posts and gives users the ability to subscribe to a hashtag, users will get a notification when a post with a specified hashtag is added, and content from those hashtags can be added to their feed. 

Essentially every time that a new hashtag is specified, a new channel is created. Admins can configure whether hashtags/channels can be generated by users, or predetermined by admins.

For every hashtag/channel a separate page (based on groups) with Timeline and other features is added. Users can browse to these pages to view historical content sorted under this Hashtag.

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Reposted UNA Inc's product.

Videos App is focused on YouTube-like video sharing. Create a library of video content that can be viewed, reviewed and shared, in the same way as YouTube or Vimeo. Users can upload and manage their own video 📹 content, site could be open or perhaps focussed on a particular interest or genre. Videos 📽 can be categorised using UNA Context capabilities of groups, spaces, categories, channels / hashtags or labels. Use the slick Plyr media player to create smooth video playback 📺 with advanced features such Speed Control ⏪ ⏩ and Picture in Picture viewing. 


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