Jeff C

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Suggestion: On the Posts app, it would be helpful to be able to create and display a 1-3 sentence summary to describe the post (for instance on the home page or Posts main page), instead of displaying the first couple hundred characters of the post itself.


  • 1081
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Does UNA have global blocks? I know that I can create custom blocks of various types, but I'd like certain global blocks whereby if I change the content of a specific block once, it changes it throughout all the pages that particular block is on.

  • 1132
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Hey UNA team, how did you create these three styles & table formats using pages module? (features-style-1.jpg, features-style-2.jpg) (pricing-style-1.jpg)

I want to present some of my content almost like this. How do I do it?

Thank you!

  • 1171
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Every time UNA overwrites my htaccess file (about every couple weeks), it does NOT copy custom lines exactly to the new version and screws up my website.

One line in particular is this:
AddHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php70 .php .php7 .phtml .htm .shtml

Each time the htaccess file updates, it only copies this:
AddHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php70 .php .php7 .phtml

All the .htm and .shtml includes then fail and my website looks broken until I manually update the htacess file myself.

Sometimes I don't figure it out immediately because only older pages (not UNA related) have ssi includes, and this costs me $100+ per day in lost revenue and pissed off visitors.

If UNA is going to update my htaccess file, it should duplicate my custom lines exactly. It's quite irritating.

Thank you.

  • 1424
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I want to create a custom 404 page to replace the bland "Error. Page Was Not Found" page UNA currently displays. I prefer my visitors have a positive experience when a page they are searching for doesn't exist.

I created a 404 page, added ErrorDocument 404 /page/404 to my .htaccess file, but I still see the above UNA default error message/page. Cleared cache too.

How do I create a custom 404 page with UNA?

Thank you!

  • 1569
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Can someone please show me which files to modify to alter the appearance of 1) posts categories (attachment) and 2) search result boxes for posts and discussions? (same look as attachment)

I find the current layout useless.

The title is completely cutoff and my visitors don't even know what they are clicking on. 

I want to customize these boxes (template and css) to make more user friendly.

Thank you.


  • 1353
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I installed the Channels app and started adding hashtags to the homepage TIMELINE posts, without first creating the channel separately in the top menu. When I click on these hashtags in my timeline posts, view channel pages display OK if I am logged in. However, if I open another browser, and paste the view channel URL and am NOT logged in (a guest), all I see is a blank page.

(Example: add a quick post to the homepage timeline & add a brand new hashtag, click on the link, and view channel. If you are logged in, you will see the channel. Then copy the URL, open another browser where you are not logged in, and paste the URL. Do you still see the channel or a blank page?)

I also noticed that when I create a new channel from the top menu first, and then add posts/hashtags on the channel pages directly, both members and guests can view the channel page. However, the minute I add a hashtag to homepage timeline posts, only members can view those channels. The general public will then see a blank page.

Posts to Channels directly do not appear on the homepage timeline/outline - I think there should be an option to allow.


  • 1002
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Been working in the 'Quote of the Day' app.

When I enter the management area to add new quotes, two issues arise:

 1 - When I try to add format tags (ex: H1, H2, etc), the input box instantly closes and I have to start over. If I save a quote first as plain text, then reopen to make formatting changes afterwards, that works OK.

 2 - All the formatting changes to the quotes + embedded images are stripped away when I view them on my homepage. It just displays plain text.

 I looked in Github to see if this was addressed in the upcoming fixes. May have missed it, but didn't see it listed.


  • 931
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I am updating my privacy policy in PAGES > SYSTEM > PRIVACY POLICY. It refuses to save my changes to the content box. All I continue to see is a swirling blue/green circle that doesn't stop until I click cancel.

I saved my Terms with no problem, and that was shorter in length.

Is there a character limit for the content box? Why won't it save changes?

  • 900
Jeff C Discussions
Add Summary Field To Posts App
Does UNA have Global Blocks?
UNA Page Styles - How Do I...?
Stop Overwriting My .htaccess File Poorly
How Do I Create A Custom 404 Error Page With UNA?
Posts Categories & Search Result BOXES