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I getting Ads app error on Timeline. How do i remove that code from the Timeline? See the attachment pic for the error.

  • 191
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Hello, I have now Version: 13.0.0-A2 installed. How/where I can download the new version now? do you have auto upgrade any more? Please someone help me?

Thank you,

  • 649
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When I create new account and try to login, I can create the new account but I couldn't login to the account. It's saying maybe spam, why is that? But I can login with my admin or older account. If, any one know how to fix or are you having same problem please help me, Thank you.

  • 1135
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From my UNA account, I can't open the messenger. It's all blank page showing. Can some can fix please. Thanks

  • 1098
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Is anyone using cloudflare for your website. Is that cloudflare traffic info is true? I getting 600 to 800 visitors per day in cloudfalre but I can't see that visitors in my website counter. Anyone know why?

  • 1385
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Hi guy, when I click on pics at timeline feed, uploaded photos not visible. Anyone know how to fix that? Click this link to see the error. Click on pic.


  • 1265
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I want to transfer my website to new server. Someone help/how to transfer one to another server please. I try backup my website from older server to and restored new server. but nothing working. anyone know how to do it let me know thanks.

  • 1324
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Is anyone know when I move my website to recent server to another server. my jot setup (Jot and Rocket.Chat server)also will move with my backup or I have to reinstall them again.

  • 1157
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I upgrade to Version: 13.0.0-A2 now. I try to updates my all mods. some mods getting error while I upgrade. It's say "module was Modified" how I can upgrade to new version? example: I have Jerome Mingo news app. I have 1.0.4 now. I try to upgrade 1.0.6. It's say "module was Modified" How do I find out where I modified? Because I think, I didn't modified. Also, before I modified to 1.0.6 Do I have to updates to 1.0.5 before 1.0.6? Anyone know please help me, Thank you.

  • 889
Senthur Discussions
Ads ap error on Timeline
How to upgrade to new version
When I login in to the account I getting spam info, why?
UNA Messenger not working for me.
Anyone using Cloudflare for your website
Pic not show when I click on Public feed