IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Modzzz. It cannot be modified for other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for other domain names, you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from Modzzz.
Product Overview


This module allows the site to have a shower of images floating down the screen in celebration of a particular event. This replicates the Twitter birthday celebration feature plus other added functionality.

By default, the module has three configured celebrations :

1) Birthday Celebration - Based on the birth date of a Member Profile, a shower of balloons is shown if a member login on their birthday.

2) Valentine Day Celebration - A shower of hearts is shown floating on the screen when someone visits the site on Valentine's day.

3) Christmas Celebration - A shower of snow is shown floating on the screen when someone visits the site during the festive season.

The administrator can set up their own custom celebrations with custom images. For example, you could set up your own celebration for Thanksgiving day.


Country - For logged in members, you can display a celebration specific to the country of residence.

City - For logged in members, you can display a celebration specific to the country of residence.

Show on Anniversary - You can display a special celebration to members if they have logged in on the site on the anniversary date of joining. This can be limited to a specific number of years (eg. 5 yrs of joining) or it can be for every anniversary.

Show on Birthday - For logged in members, you can display a special celebration on their birthday.

Day of Year - You can show special celebrations on special days (eg. a Christmas celebration or thanksgiving celebration)

Date of Year - You can show special celebrations on a particular date of a specific Year (eg. Election Day)

Celebrations can be activated/deactivated as desired. You can have as many celebrations as you would like and easily manage them by enabling and disabling.

The number of floating images can be configured in the settings.

This is the perfect companion for the Logo Switcher module.


You can view my full list of modules at

holiday celebration #modzzz