
I just purchased your Article app and thought it was able to do ratings?  I am wanting to modify it do rate things like truck stops.  I do not see the rating stars on it anywhere??

Can the rating stars be added in admin???

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Replies (10)
    • Hello

      By default our Articles app has Likes and Reactions only. 

      Star based ratings are available in default UNA Market and Photos apps only.

      Best Regards

      • Daydreamertrucker  I want the feature of ranked articles as well. Or having a 'bulletin board' kind of module, which in your case, could have a 'Truck Stops' section that could be searchable by distance from users location, and include the star rating system (rank value 1-5 with image of stars?) with a 'review' comment attached.

        If there were a new module like a 'Bulletin Board', and the individual pages/groups could have the star rating system be turned on/off as needed, then it could be used as a members classifieds page to list items for sale, job postings, etc. Keeping the searchable by distance ability, sort by price, category, etc.

        In our case, we could use the exact same setup as your 'Truck Stop' page and apply it to finding/ranking/reviewing Livestock Feed Stores and Poultry Hatcheries... As for the articles, we have users post designs/builds of chicken coops, barns, electrical/water systems, and it would be nice to have the star rating system so members could organize and see the highest first.

        • AQB Soft How long do we have to wait for the affiliate program app on una, you said you guys are done with the app a few months ago! 

          • Before proceeding make sure that you have at least UNA-v10.0.0-RC1

            Actually I believe that something similar to star rating is possible to implement with reactions, you need to modify reactions icons and set the following 3 icons as possible reactions (but you need to do it in Developer module and be able to specify correct JSON string):

            Also if you want to have star rating in comments only (convert them to reviews) then you can execute the following queries:

            UPDATE `sys_objects_cmts` SET `ClassName` = 'BxTemplCmtsReviews' WHERE `Name` = 'bx_posts';
            ALTER TABLE `bx_posts_posts` ADD `comments_avg` FLOAT NOT NULL;

            Just replace "bx_posts" and "bx_posts_posts" with the module name and main module content table where you want to add star rating for comments.

            • Hello Kelvin30286063 ,

              First official Affiliate System version should be released on the next week.

                • AQB Soft can you add back and next to the Articles App. I have over 900 articles and it is cumbersome to view articles in a proper way.  Add a back and next link to the top of the article box please.

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