Comment to 'innodb really needed?'
  • Would we need to do anything MySQL side or just do the following you mentioned. Will this cause it to auto convert existing tables or would we need to run something like this:

    SET @DATABASE_NAME = 'name_of_your_db';
    SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` ENGINE=InnoDB;') AS sql_statements
    FROM information_schema.tables AS tb
    WHERE table_schema = @DATABASE_NAME
    ORDER BY table_name DESC;

    Any extra information you can share and even risks, because like me I would be doing this on a live site and my database knowledge is like a rookie still :P ? Thank you ahead :)

    • Kyle better to work for experiments on a trial site. You may even do it in your desktop computer ;)

      • I'm still between Maria DB and updating. Did you have to make any big changes before upgrading to mariadb. I also seen your post there about Inoodb not being all that good, If I could just update to Maria DB and have less of a hassle that may be the best route? Was any table conversion needed especially for Aria? From what I have seen with Maria DB so far is it may be the best route based on my research. 

        • İf the server resources are very limited, go to Mariadb and disable inno, enable aria engine as described in previous posts.

          İf your site is/ will be very active and there are enough server resources innodb is good.

          But first thing first setup a trial server :)