Comment to 'Mobile apps deployment'
  • Allow me to massively endorse that

    it's fairly technical

    I spent a solid week and a half trying to get the iOS and Android apps compiled and barely functional. I finally managed to do it after reading more stackoverflow posts then I ever wanted to in a lifetime. 

    To be fair, the bulk of my frustrations lay mostly at the feet of react and it's many quirks and the occasional bugs that Facebook doesn't seem to be interested in fixing until a lengthy forum post commences so it was a lot of upgrading modules, downgrading modules, playing around with different versions of the Android SDK and the iOS SDK, changing react versions, library linking requirements and JavaScript nightmares, etc. 

    It was a learning experience for sure and one I'm also sure I'll have to repeat anytime my fragile House of cards shifts in the slightest but at least for the last couple days it's working okay for me and hopefully will get better and easier over time.