Comment to 'Make it easy to import Mobirise designs into Una for landing pages'
  • Alex T⚜️ I'm not sure how, or if, it could be automated. These are the steps I took to create a landing page, but the issue I'm running into now is the Bootstrap CSS being used on all pages. It would be awesome if we could apply the CSS injection only on individual pages. 


    1. Create design in Mobirise

    2. Export to local machine

    3. Zip Assets folder and move to Public_html, then unzip

    4. Open index.html in editor and remove all scripts from index.html page (doesn't seem like we need these)

    5. Copy all text between tags and place in custom Una page

    6. Remove .hidden class from /assets/theme/css/style.css

    7. Copy CSS style tags from top of index.html and post in injection within Studio > Designer > Injections (this would be better if it could be applied only on the Custom page.).