Comment to 'new user signups'
Comment to new user signups
  • actually will while that works in theory, when people get to create an account without any "having to work for it" or take a personal investment "adding ones likeness or words" to a profile, like putting a flag in the moon upon landing, theres no reason to come back, and your site is only as strong as your memory of having gone there.  and most people cannot focus for shit.
    when you stick your photo there, the natural human curiosity is to check on it later and see if anyone interacted with the thought form you projected into the site, or your first post, etc.. and if your in a good mood maybe you will write post 2, upload a photo, etc. :)
    hav ya seen the simple join form plugin module?  and really, if a three field join form is too complicated, what does that say for the persons ability to be able to read a book or a line and follow instructions?  oh yeah, the me too generation doesnt read books,.. sorry im a bit salty right now, there is so much that needs to change in order for humanity to survive another 100 years or so without being subject to the fallacy and misery of their own doings  but i will stop :)