Comment to 'Super cool uses of'
  • I have to be a little vague as some of these are covered by NDAs, but hope you can have an idea…

    - Specialists - helping each other with complex cases.
    - Voting - local /issue-based voting and decision making.
    - Collaboration - internal company networking and data sharing, especially in research and IP development.
    - Data-management - files, libraries, collections.
    - Education - courses and classes, complimenting IRL events.
    - Ticketing - events ticketing, follow up groups and discussions.
    - Large events - planned events, with stages, streaming and realtime communication.
    - Sports - predictions, play-betting, fans.
    - Reviews - product/brand reviews, feedback and support.
    - Partners - communication and collaboration between partner companies/teams.
    - Crypto - communities around tokens, exchanges, linking activity to distribution.
    - Marketplaces - niche products, professional services, etc.
    - Groups/Spaces - networks structured around neighbourhoods, regions, departments, etc.
    - Freedom - privacy, freedom of choice, freedom of expression, political and societal views discussion.

    All of the topics above are the areas we have worked with when building communities based on UNA. It’s fascinating how much ingenuity and potential for change is channeled through our platform, and it makes me very excited about the next decade of social networking. ✌️