Comment to 'Bug: Block Pagination'
  • this is UNA 13 A2, and it happens will any block with pagination, including posts, discussions, videos, photos.

    May I also add, that cached blocks/pages do not respect the language parameter. they are always displayed in the language used when they were cached regardless of the user preference.

    • If you mean the parameter "Block Cache Lifetime (in seconds)" for the block then it works directly as it should. If you set the interval like 5 seconds then 5 seconds the AJAX pagination will not work, but after the expiration - it would be OK. If you met another troubles, then plz specify.

      • If you set the interval like 5 seconds then 5 seconds the AJAX pagination will not work

        that's what I meant. Once you activate the block cache, the pagination wouldn't work. Is there any easy fix for this? are you considering fixing this bug in the future?